Wednesday, October 10, 2012

@ the Movies 2012 - Taken 2

Oh boy Liam Neeson is back for what could be the worst sequel of 2012.  Yes the money grab sequel, the movie that doesn't need making, the sequel that leaves original movie fans sitting in there seats saying "WHY!".

I sat in my seat @ the end of this film saying Why! and also Famke Janssen is looking a lot more clapped out than her 2010 Nip/Tuck days when she played a tranny, yes a man who turned into a woman who in real life was a woman, oh Ryan Murphy you're a card.

From clever (Nip/Tuck) to just plain stupid Taken 2, the reviews have been ordinary for this film and there is a reason.  The movie is completely stupid and really any clever individual could imagine how the lives of the characters from Taken (the original film) would have lived long after the first film.

So one of the men from the first movie had an angry dad, the angry dad takes on Neeson's family, who you find out a lot of boring back story before they head OS.

Americans never travel well but this movie has Americans just chucking grenades into open spaces and stealing taxi's and just plain being crazy outside of there own crazy land.

Now this movie was clearly made cause the first film was such a success, why that movie was a success is basically because it had a gritty nature, real action scenes and no formula, the sequel was like watching another formula driven season of Underbelly.

Taken 2 a very average action film and not a great sequel, 2 stars for Hollywood greed.

1 comment:

Dan O. said...

It’s exactly the same type of stuff the second go around, except with more of it. More action, more running, more shooting, and most of all, more Liam Neeson kicking ass. That’s all I really needed. Nice review Randy.