Saturday, September 15, 2012

Conversation Piece - PRE iPhone 5

Yes a piece of theatre which concludes tomorrow so if your keen get your matinee on or tonight or hit up tomoz.

Conversation Piece is an interesting piece of work, I had heard only good things but upon returning home from the theatre the net was downing in bad reviews.

However this is my review and for some of the recent theatre I have seen this wasn't half bad.  It was extremely different because it was across genres, it had dancers, actors and multi media with the 6 (I'm presuming iPhone 4S's, in anticipation of the BIG iPhone 5) and three rows of chairs.

The show is based on a conversation that changes nightly that features through multi media and the show.

I enjoyed the dancing the most and the acapella homage to Kylie's "Come into my World".  I think I may have even gone to school with one of the dancers, random.

And from the actors Alison Bell is just dreamy.  Have a lot of love for her!

So the show overall, it's a bit all over the show, but hey most 2012 Belvoir shows have been a bit random.  Conversation Piece rates a solid and beautiful dance lines and direction 3 stars.

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