Friday, September 28, 2012

On the Fringe w/ Bard to the Bone

So I gave Shakespeare a go earlier this year and enjoyed it.  I got it I realised Hamlet was a fun show and I could get into more Shakespeare.  I enjoyed the Duchess of Malifi, so last night it was time to hit the Fringe Festival at the New Theatre in Newtown.

Bard to the Bone is playing two matinee shows over the weekend, it's $15 a ticket and who doesn't like a 60 minute no interval show.

I enjoyed the Post-Haste Players impro work and the most important thing was the guys had fun on stage.

After seeing a full professional production last night was interesting to see a fully scaled down show with a cast of four and one piano dude.

My rating is going to seem bad but I am a tough marker and two and a half Othello inspired stars is a pass mark.

If you think Shakespeare is a bit of fun and a tad on the funny side jump over here.

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