Tuesday, September 11, 2012

K-Popping all over Martin Place

So I was tossing up on whether to BLOG about a recent sensation taking over Australia live and direct from Asia (Tony Abbott you'll be happy it didn't arrive on a boat) or pay tribute to an amazing man who I was lucky enough to work with for a while.

I won't name my tribute as I heard other discovered his passing on Facebook and that's not cool.  So in tribute to you out there, you were an incredibly handsome, talented young man who made my working life at a sometimes challenging company enjoyable.  You were one of the fittest and biggest competitors I had on the Goulburn Street tower fire stairs.  You were truly amazing, my thoughts are with your entire family and close friends. R.I.P

And now to the craze taking this fine brown land by storm.

It has over 133 million hits on Youtube, it's a top 20 hit on the Australian iTunes chart and it could be this year's answer to LMFAO.

Australia and in particular Martin Place get your Gangnam Style on!

I love me some K Pop but this is juts too much I love it!

So today I pay tribute to two great people, tomorrow will mark the second screening of the Sapphires so look out for the take two review of this amazing Australian film which has just taken over ten million @ the box office!

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