Thursday, September 6, 2012

Uni Kids go Gay in Mister Sister Act

So I decided to check out what the upcoming gays in society have to offer the world and I was admittedly pleasantly surprised.

Sydney Uni groups and facilities are currently in their revue season and living across the road from the massive building it was time to embrace it.

So the Queer Revue was the only choice.

With singing, dancing and lot's of fun being poked at Channel 10 and Gina R it was a fun amateur night at the theatre.

As another review of the revue said, some jokes did fall flat but that is comedy and it's all trial and error.  As I saw with Judith Lucy last week comedy has a really fine line of what is funny and what is out right offensive.

With a good young crowd in the room the students all performed well with and without their clothes on.

Mister Sister Act is a lot of fun and offers a refreshing night out in the Sydney theatre scene, 3 stars.

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