Monday, September 3, 2012

@ the Local Theatre - the Tender Age

The infamous moment on the Kyle & Jackie O show of the lie detector and the 14 year old rape victim was one of many all time lows for the high rating breakfast program and this was at the centre of the Tender Age which has now wrapped up at one of Sydney's hidden gems Carriageworks.

The play was a very random mash up of lot's of the dramas and trials of growing up in 2012.  Thank god I grew up in the 90's it was so much easier back then.

In 2012 kids don't just have to worry about what they say and do in the playground it's what they say and do outside school, what they upload to social media and how their Facebook profile reflects them as an individual.

I enjoyed this but found some bits tricky to watch as growing up is hard and so was this play at times.  It was interesting, unique and used the massive space of the Carriageworks stage well.  The cast were all varied shapes and sizes too which was great.  Overall the Tender Age was a interesting 60 minute piece of theatre.

More theatre to come this week with the final week of Face to Face @ STC.  My review should land Wednesday, for now the Tender Age rated 2.5 pass mark stars.

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