Thursday, September 27, 2012

Private Lives (I'm Watching You)

Sorry to quote Hall & Oates @ this wee early hour, however they are always with me after seeing there fun show a wee while back.  So the new Belvoir show Private Lives opened last night and was it any good?

Well it was a step in the right direction for Belvoir it was an upbeat comedy which was great.  The bad thing is a 90 minute show should not feel like a four hour opera.

All the leads are good however the standout is Mish Grigor as the French maid who only appears in the second half.  Although there was a false ending and as I knew of this French maid role I thought what it's over and no Mish?  By this point I was drifting in and out, worried for the lady that fainted at the back of the theatre and more so annoyed by the fuckwit next to me updating their Facebook.

Yes young people (and some older) I am going on the record, this is a rant so beware.  It might come as a surprise to you but unless someone else is a stalker NO ONE and I mean NO ONE cares where you check in unless you are Keith Urban and you check in at some meth clinic.

Two your status updates might interest people for a short time but sitting in a theatre or the movies (for that matter) shows you have no manners or indeed no consideration of others.  Really a status update can wait to the end of a show/movie, also selfies in the movies during the movie FML, I really do think Facebook has made people feel so self important that like the title of this play no one has private lives anymore.

And end of rant and back to the play I enjoyed parts, I am sick of Toby Schmitz

playing Toby Schmitz on that stage, the show was fun and very general public, I could recommend this to anyone but it wasn't my cup of tea last night.  A Private 3 stars.

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