Saturday, September 1, 2012

@ the Movies 2012 - The Bourne Legacy

2012 has been a big year for action films, we have seen the end to the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy (please make more though), I reviewed the new Expendables movie that opened this week and The Avengers has broken all box office records.  Then comes this a reboot, a sequel or a continuation of a former action trilogy.

The main problem with this film is it's length and it's trying to be a James Bond film when it should have just concentrated on it's excellent action sequences and dishy lead man Jeremy Renner.

And Jeremy Renner is now appearing in all the big action films, this, The Avengers, Mission Impossible, Thor and more!

So is it worth seeing this weekend if the weather turns like it did yesterday afternoon?  Yes and No, if you have 2 and a half hours to kill yes, if you haven't seen the Matt Damon Bourne films like me No.  It's an interesting idea and I like to think I hadn't have needed to see the original trilogy to enjoy this film but there seemed to be a lot of crossover.

The Bourne Legacy, it's no action blockbuster in my books and with the very open/incomplete finale a sequel is most definitely in the works.

2.5 pass mark action filled stars for the Bourne Legacy.

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