Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Night @ the Theatre - Truck Stop

What a solid cast of four great women (well some just girls or young ladies!), Kristy Best, Elena Carapetis, Eryn Jean Norvill & Jessica Tovey all outstanding.  Particularly Eryn Jean Norvill the blond "bitch" in this show.

I attended on a night my father pointed out a number of Home and Away kids were in the crew, an added bonus for a) my father and b) the group of schoolies in front of me.  Good grief how can my father really be addicted to Home and Away and make my poor mother record Masterchef and watch it when it suits him, the injustice.

Okay I'm here to review a play so let's hit it.  Rihanna and Ke$ha fans unite, this play is a total homage to how listening to this music, viewing the music videos it does play on young girls minds.  Ke$ha is a five star harlot really at the end of the day and is it any surprise her fans start blowing truckies for some cash to spend in the city after the long train ride from the West.

I went to the Ke$ha concert last year and it was one of the biggest eye openers in my life, one word SCARY!

Okay so the four make this play so watchable, you relate to them (we all had our slutty years), you feel for them and this play covers so much of how hard as a teen it must be to grow up.  I mean I finished high school at the end/early 2000's and it was hard them, particularly as a gay.  But as an Indian student, a young girl from the West or a counsellor out in Sydney's seedy Western Suburbs.

Life is hard in 2012, their is global money issues, jobs are hard to get and harder to keep, people are stressed and life in general is just hard. And this play perfectly captures this and beyond.  Lachlan Philpott has done a simply wonderful job here, I can't flaw it at all.  No interval worked amazingly well as this would have just broken tension and I feel lost the audience.

Truck Stop does not have much of a run left so catch it before it closes here

Parents need to see this (mine did), students should see this as acceptance and tolerance is something very much needed in 2012 & this should open a lot of discussions.

Truck Stop is a great journey and rates 4 we are the Youth shining and pointy stars.

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