Sunday, October 30, 2011

13 days till I go Bonkers in Honkers

Number 13 in things that make me BONKERS:

Pie Face's domination

But my question to you is there ever anyone in there? And why do they always have so much food in their displays? What happens to all that leftover food? How will a pie store survive the hot summer months in Australia? Will they overtake EasyWay & Chattime?

Will Pie Face be the next Starbucks to close all it's doors.

Now we are into the top 40 I am going to countdown 40 inspirational artists as well to get me up to Hong Kong and a bit of Bangkok.

Number 13 is:

Daft Punk

A DJ set or house party is not complete without "One more Time", "Da Funk" or maybe even "Around the World".

These mysterious men have recently done the soundtrack to one of the worst films I've ever sat through Tron Legacy, they have a couple of epic and instant classic dance releases and they really are epic!

Now to keep your Saturday night pumping on a Sunday, some Daft Punk, before Kanye put his own spin on this one!

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