Saturday, October 8, 2011

35 days till I go Bonkers in Honkers

Number 35 in things that make me BONKERS:

Waiting forever in line in Sydney for a table for a restaurant? WTF!

Don't restaurants want you're business? Put on more tables and get people the fuck out once they have finished their meal so others can indulge in a bit of tucker.

Oh good grief does this send me Bonkers? Yes it does!

Now we are into the top 40 I am going to countdown 40 inspirational artists as well to get me up to Hong Kong/a bit of Bangkok.

Number 35 is:


So Aussie hip hop has a new Major player, Melbourne's 360!

His latest album Flying and Falling is a big one and he has guests galore, Gossling, Josh Pyke & Pez to name a few. Go 360 and I think his latest hit "Boys Like You" will be a big song and will definitely fit in on my top 100 songs of the year.

Go 360 and how hot is the Killer clip below:

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